GBIA Video: Carrie Dann IEN
Carrie Dann, of the Indigenous Environmental Network, speaks about her struggles and
the struggles of the Western Shoshoni people.
Carrie Dan is a Western Shoshone from Crescent Valley, NV. Carrie attended and spoke at the Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN) Conference in Lee, NV on May 8, 2006. She spoke about the Western Shoshone’s current position within the United States in relation to land claim rights. She also spoke about how the Shoshone trustees have not filled their obligations as trustees. She also describes how the Bureau of Land Management and the Department of Interior have “lied” to the Western Shoshone people which has caused undo harm. She ends by suggesting that tribal leadership protect Western Shoshone lands for future generations. (GBC VHC Description, 08/01/2017)
Transcript (PDF)