GBIA Video: Judy Moon Glasson, Ruby Valley, NV
Judy Moon Glasson was born and raised in Ruby Valley, NV and was one of seven children
– four sisters and two brothers. She moved to Elko to find a job and ended up getting
married. Judy speaks about how Elko use to be a small town until the mines opened
up in Carlin, NV. She then speaks about the traditional practices of the Western
Shoshone such as pine-nutting, Bear dances, Hand games, and Circle dances. She also
enlightens her audience on some of the history of the Ruby Mountain area and moreover
what the Western Shoshone people did therein. Judy ends her oral history by encouraging
younger generations to keep up the Shoshone traditions. (GBC VHC Description, 08/23/2017)
Transcript (PDF)